bogey & ruby

bogey & ruby

Wednesday, February 20, 2019


“You and me, we’ve met geniuses. And we know we’re not like them, don’t we? What is it like to go on, knowing you are not a genius, knowing you are a mediocrity? I think it’s the worst kind of hell.”

“Well,” Less said. “I think there’s something between genius and mediocrity—“

Less, by Andrew Sean Greer

And that is the bar I am aiming for as I begin my 57th year. Anything between mediocrity and genius will do.

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day

I love this face
This face, this face
The space it takes
When pressed so close
To mine

The crinkled corners
Of kind blue eyes
The deepened grooves 
That earn another year today

I love the way it takes me in
The tam o’ shanter
Silly grin
That makes me laugh
(At stupid things)

The words that form
Inside its rooms
They swirl and dance
Into songs and poems

My Valentine’s Boy
He makes me sing
He makes me better
He makes me think

There was supposed to be
An earth shattering KABOOM
And oh, by God, there was
A spark, a flame, a plume

That face, that face
it caught me fast
I’m smitten now
No looking back.

Happy birthday, sweet I! ❤️❤️❤️