The girl who couldn't wait for her life to begin
A future rewritten, all grown up and away.
I miss the old me
The teen who wrote daily with gusto
Mundane details of a boring life that was artful all along.
I miss the old me
The hapless romantic who kissed pillows and posters
Movie star-heroine, walked the wrong way down the aisle still believing.
I miss the old me
The caped crusader who leapt out of bed
To sprint 10k without rest, on her way to save the world and herself.
I miss the old me
The wannabe mother who dreamed
Of the perfect child, who did everything right that was never enough.
I miss the old me
The dreamy deep sleeper
Without worries or pills.
I miss the old me
Looking back through this funnel
With longing and knowing, she'll never be back.
Your new you is pretty cool too Sharon
ReplyDeleteI wonder what we'll be saying in 10-20 years from now about what we miss about current ourselves? Looking at the past and where life has brought you is bittersweet; a twistie softserve ice cream of nostalgic regret and pride at where you were and where you are now. I agree with micko - you are very cool now and I didn't know you then, but I venture to guess that you are cool in some of the same ways and in some different ways.