Woke up
Got out of bed
Dragged a comb across my head
Found my way downstairs and drank a cup ...
Not quite. There was no combing this nest. And before I went downstairs I stripped naked in the bathroom to weigh myself for the first time in about four months.
High expectations often yield disappointment. According to what I thought I weighed before we started the whole30, my net loss was 2lbs. Of course, I may have lost more if I weighed more to start with that's something we'll never know and that is a moot point anyway. This eating plan was about healing and health. At least that's what I'm telling myself right now.
The Whole30 bible prepares you for this possible outcome and has a list of potential benefits other than weight loss as a reminder that good health is so much more than the number on the scale. Here are a few of mine:
The cravings have all gone, at least the physiological ones.
I don't think about food or eating until my body tells me I'm hungry.
I am now able to eat most fruits and vegetables without gastrointestinal distress (my gut is healing but still rejects onions).
I am way more focused/efficient and have ticked off a lot of items on my to-do list since starting.
I have been able to read four books and am on my fifth right now, not to mention there are no chocolatey fingerprints on the pages.
My right shoulder is way less painful and I am able to sleep on that side for longer periods.
I have more energy though not that much more because sleep is still lacking.
I am less irritable ... I think.
Ian woke up a little after me and is down 14lbs and feeling much better overall. We discussed our strategy for day 31 and the plan is to continue with the whole30 and reintroduce some of the foods we haven't been allowed up to now but slowly.
For me, cream is the only thing I'm truly missing. I will delight in adding it to my coffee tomorrow and gauge how I feel the following day or two. Fingers crossed that lactose isn't a problem. The only other item I may indulge in here and there is a glass of wine.
No sugar. For now. Maybe for much longer. It is too powerful, enslaving my body and my mind. It has no nutritional value and the temporary high it provides costs too much in terms of quality of life.
What have I learned after 30 whole days? That I can do this long term. That my body can heal if I feed it the nutrients it needs to function and eliminate what is making it sick. That diet is but one aspect, albeit an important one, to good health with stress management being the other major one, at least for me, and something I need to tackle next.
Speaking of stress management, I got on the treadmill today (walk for two minutes, run for one) for the first time since my back and hip flared up. Fingers crossed that Dr. André doesn't have to undo the damage and that I can continue.
The biggest challenge ahead will be letting go of the number stuck in my head. It's not what you weigh but how you feel that matters most, right? Well, I'm feeling better and I aim to continue feeling this way.
I'd love to hear your thoughts on feeling healthy if you'd like to share. Has our Whole30 journey made you take stock of your own diet/lifestyle?