- Insist I must be pregnant when I tell you I'm not.
- Ask me to guess your age immediately after you mistake my muffin top for the third trimester of pregnancy in an effort to distract me.
- Ask me where I'm from then proceed to tell me how much you hate curry.
- Complain about your East Indian neighbours stinking up the neighbourhood with their cooking smells.
- Practice your fake East Indian accent on me and think it is in any way charming.
- Tell me how much you hate curries using a fake East Indian accent.
- Refer to all East Indians as "Hindus" because you don't know any better.
- Tell me I'm lucky I don't look Indian.
The only way to get back into my good books is to tell me how sorry you are over a plate of curry while doing the Indian head nod. Click on the link for directions.
Delightful as usual! That client is a real shmuck!